How to get organized? For some of us, the words “how to get organized” can be a foreign subject. In other words, the idea of a schedule, or even of a home that is properly organized may seem foreign to us.

I have been asked this question by countless people who are in the throes of organization. The answer lies in helping you to understand that it’s not a big task at all, and it will pay off greatly in the end. When you know how to get organized, you’ll find yourself more able to take care of your family, your finances, and your life overall. So let’s begin at the very beginning. In other words, let’s look at the first step, and I want you to think about this…
You see, the very first step on how to get organized? It’s knowing what you want to accomplish. That means understanding what type of system would work best for you, or your family, or your business. As I mentioned above, when you know why you’re doing it, you’ll find it easier. And once you have the knowledge of what you want, you can then go after that goal.
I know that if you’re anything like me, you get very agitated with the number of papers that pile up on your desk. And it doesn’t matter which piece of paper it is. Whether it’s a calendar, bills, resume, or tax returns…you name it, I’ve done it. I hate to see those stacks of paperwork, so I set out to find a way to organize it.
I came up with a system that I could use on a daily basis. One that I could easily clean up when I wanted to, and that I could keep organized. And because I had already done this, I knew that it wouldn’t be a big challenge for me to get the job done. And that’s exactly what I did, and that’s how to get organized?
It worked for me, and it worked for you. If it didn’t work for you, then you just try something else. If it didn’t work for you, then try something else. I promise, there’s always an answer for how to get organized? Because there are thousands of people who tried and found that organized systems truly do work.
How to get organized? It’s always a matter of using your head, and following a plan that works for you, and has been proven to work. Don’t just try some random system, because that won’t work.
How to get organized? That’s easy! Just follow a proven system, and you will find that your life will be a lot more organized than ever before. But do you want to know how to get organized? Go ahead, I’ll show you.
First, you need to know what makes you feel good when you’re organized. Do you feel better when you know which box to open next? Do you know where you can find the pencil you just lost? Are you more likely to take action when you know where everything is? The key to getting your organized system to work for you is to know yourself. If you know yourself well enough to have an organized system, then you’ve already got it!
Second, let’s look at an example of a real life situation. My husband, who is very disorganized, was going through some issues. We were both stressed, and his disorganization was causing a lot of problems. I knew that he needed help, so I took action by getting him an organizer system.
Third, he needed to know how to get organized because it would make him feel good. It made him feel like someone was looking out for him, which is what really happens when people know how to get organized. When you know what’s important and what isn’t, you’re much less likely to lose track of anything. People are far more likely to remember important things than they are to lose their place or forget important things. This principle also applies in family life as well, as siblings will tend to know how things should be done much better than siblings with no family structure.
Lastly, he needed to know how to get organized so he wouldn’t screw up his work. Again, we were both stressed, and his disorganization was causing us stress. He knew that, but hadn’t done anything about it yet. I told him to start planning and write down all his goals and tasks. Then, we could go over each goal and see what actions would need to be taken to accomplish it. That way, he’d be aware of exactly what needs to be done, and he’d be less likely to screw up.